May Produce List + Recipes

May Produce List is here, along with information on  When To Introduce various fruits and vegetables to your little ones.

May Produce List+Recipes- Easy Baby Meals-

May is here. So is the post for May Produce List + Recipes. May is a special month for me, mainly for two reasons. It’s my Birthday month, and we celebrate Mother’s Day in this month.

Being a Mom to my little girl is the most prominent gift I have received, and I cherish it every day.

May is also the month in which we say bye-bye to citrus and Hello to Berries. So let’s begin our quest of knowing What’s In Season.

As usual, I have also included the list of seasonal produce that you can introduce to your little ones during a particular month.

Let’s go through the May Produce List first.

May Produce List + Recipes-Easy Baby


May Produce List + Recipes. #Seasonaleats #babyfood Share on X

With May Produce List in hand, let’s see what we can give to our little ones at each month. Introducing new food to little ones is a challenge, so always consult your pediatrician.

May Produce List + Recipes- Easy Baby

The above-given chart is based on what I gave my daughter after consulting her Pediatrician. Every individual child is different, so what worked for me may not work for you.

It’s always better to talk to your pediatrician before introducing new foods, especially if your child suffers from allergies.

Keeping this in mind, let’s go through details of When To Give.

6 Months +

Apples, Apricots, Bananas, and Peas.

The fruits and vegetables mentioned above make excellent starter food. They are easy to digest and are full of with nutrients. Making a simple puree and mixing it with baby cereal can create a delicious meal for your little one.

8 Months +

Broccoli, Cabbage, Celery, Mango, Pineapple (cooked) and Spinach.

Broccoli and Cabbage, they both tend to give gases. So if the baby has digestive issues, I would wait till longer for the introduction of these vegetables.

Since my daughter didn’t have issues, these vegetables worked well for her. Mango can be introduced to babies at this stage. 

Pineapple is one of the fruits that should be given to babies only when it’s cooked. I wouldn’t give a raw pineapple at such an early age.

The raw texture of the pineapple might leave your baby’s mouth and tongue quite irritated. Also, Pineapple is acidic so that it might give a rash. It is a choking hazard as well. 

Spinach comes under Dirty Dozens- so it’s advisable to opt for Organic Spinach when using it for baby food.

10 Months +

Asparagus, Avocados, Carrots, Garlic (fresh), Onions, Raspberries, Strawberries, and Turnip.

Usually, Avocados are said to be a good starter food, but my daughter didn’t respond well to avocado at seven months of age. So I waited till ten months to introduce them again.

Asparagus is an excellent addition to your baby’s diet. At times they tend to cause gas and is a bit hard on little tummies. Watch out for bloating or gassiness.

Raspberries and Strawberries are both acidic, which can cause diaper rash. If your baby has sensitive, I will introduce these at a later age.

Onions and turnips make an excellent base for complexly flavored purees. Make sure they are cooked thoroughly.

Fresh garlic can be a part of puree making process. Just a little bit goes a long way in adding a delicious flavor to any savory puree. 

1 Year +

Collard Greens, Mushrooms, Radish, and Rhubarb.

I didn’t introduce my child to the above-mentioned vegetables and fruits till she turned one year old. If you want to make sure, if they are ok to introduce them to your child, please talk with your pediatrician.

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With all the information in hand, let’s check out the recipes.

  • 6 Months And Above

Apple With Couscous

May Produce List + Recipes-Apple With Couscous- Easy Baby


  • 8 Months And Above

Apple With Pineapple

Apple With Pineapple- Easy Baby Meals-


  • 10 Months And Above

Carrot With Peas And Potatoes

Carrot With Peas And Potatoes- Easy Baby


  • 1 Year And Above

Quick Mango Strawberry Salsa

Quick Mango Strawberry Salsa- Easy Baby


Dairy Free Figs Strawberry Icecream

Dairy Free Fig Strawberry Ice cream- Easy Baby Meals


We come to the end of my today’s post.

Share this information with your loved ones and with your fellow parents. They will like it.

What are you giving to your little ones this month? Let me know in comments.

Talk to you all soon.

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The views presented in this article are the personal experiences of the writer. Every baby is different. Please use Caution before introducing new foods into your baby’s diet. Always consult your Pediatrician.

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  1. Jolly says:

    WoW this post is really helpful for me, I am worried about my 1 year toddler what to give and what not to be give, this post cleared my so many worries. Thanks for sharing, Bookmarked!!
    Happy birthday in advance and Mother’s Day too :))

    • Deepika says:

      Hi Jolly, I am so glad you found it helpful. I totally get you. Things are so confusing when it comes to feeding our little ones. A helpful guide always helps. 🙂

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