Dairy Free Figs Strawberry Ice cream

A quick, easy dairy-free treat for little valentines in your life. This creamy goodness can be enjoyed by the entire family.

Dairy Free Figs Strawberry Ice Cream

Valentines Day is approaching soon, have you planned something especially for the little valentines in your life? I remember, when it was my little one’s first Valentines Day, I wanted to make something special for her.

I searched around for cute treat recipes, but all I could find was everything filled with sugar and chocolate. My 8-month-old was not ready for all that sugar. So I came up with this sweet treat for her. And yes, it did make her Valentine’s Day special.

This Fig Strawberry Banana Ice cream has absolutely NO Sugar and is dairy free. This is the quickest and the easiest treat anyone can make. I have just added frozen bananas, strawberries, and dried figs in a food processor and turned it into a creamy fruity delight. This ice cream is great for babies 8 months and above.

Dairy Free Fig Strawberry Ice cream

Bananas, strawberries, and dried figs are all filled with the essential nutrients needed for a growing baby. Bananas are a perfect starter food for babies and can be turned into a creamy sweet base for any baby food. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and calcium. Bananas aid in maintaining digestive health as well as have cardiovascular benefits.

Dairy Free Fig Strawberry Ice Cream

Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, manganese, and fiber. They have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer properties and cardiovascular benefits. They also help in controlling blood sugar level. Strawberries can be introduced to babies as early as 6 months, but there are chances that some babies might have an allergic reaction to them, so use caution.

This quick and easy Dairy -Free Figs Strawberry Ice cream is a delicious treat for your little Valentines. #dairyfree #icecreamrecipe Share on X

I have added dried figs to this recipe, to give a different flavor. Dried Figs are a good source of fiber. They are packed with potassium, iron, and minerals, along with vitamins and antioxidants. Figs aid in digestion and maintain good digestive health.

Make this sweet treat for your little valentines. This ice cream is great for big kids and grown-ups too. Just add some nuts of your choice and turn it into a healthy treat.

Let’s go through the recipe:

Dairy-Free Fig Strawberry Ice cream

A quick, easy dairy-free treat for little valentines in your life. This creamy goodness can be enjoyed by the entire family.
Course Dessert, Snack
Cuisine American, Baby Food, Grown-Ups, Kids, Toddler Food
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 2
Author Deepika Haldankar

You Need:

  • 2 Bananas (frozen)
  • 4 to 5 Strawberries (frozen)
  • 3 to 4 Dried Figs

How To Make It:

  1. Freeze bananas and strawberries overnight.
  2. Add frozen bananas, strawberries and dried figs in a food processor. Process them into a creamy mixture.
  3. Serve immediately.

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 Important Note:

Talk to your baby’s Pediatrician before starting any new food.

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