June Produce List + Recipes

Summer is right here, and so is the June Produce List + Recipes.

June Produce List+Recipes- Easy Baby Meals-www.easybabymeals.com

Hey there everyone. It’s getting scorching hot these days on my side of the world. How about your side? Summertime is almost here. And as per our monthly ritual, I am sharing the list of June Produce And Recipes. The best part is it has some of my and my little one’s favorite fruits.

Today is a special day. Easy Baby Meals is turning 4 years old. Time flies, isn’t it? It was as if just a few months back I started this little blog, sharing my cooking adventures with my little one.

I would like to THANK all of my readers for the eternal love and support. Without you all, I won’t be sitting here and writing this post. My heartfelt Gratitude to you all.

Getting back to the post, I have also included the list of seasonal produce that you can introduce to your little ones during that month.

Let’s go through the June Produce List first.

June Produce List- Easy Baby Meals- www.easybabymeals.com


With June Produce List in hand, let’s see what we can give to our little ones at each month. Introducing new food to little ones is a challenge, so always consult your pediatrician.

Check out the June Produce List + Recipes. #seasonalproduce #babyfood Share on X

When To Give- June Produce List + Recipes-Easy Baby Meals- www.easybabymeals.com

The above-given chart is based on what I gave my daughter after consulting her Pediatrician. Every individual child is different, so what worked for me may not work for you.

It’s always better to talk to your pediatrician before introducing new foods, especially if your child suffers from allergies.

Keeping this in mind, let’s go through details of When To Give.

6 Months +

Apricots, Peas, Potatoes, and Zucchini.

These delicious fruits and vegetables are in season, and they can make a great starter food for your little bubs. They are easy to digest and are packed with essential nutrients. Creating a simple puree and mixing it with baby cereal can make a delicious meal for your little one.

8 Months +

Cantaloupe, Corn, Cucumber, Figs, Garlic, Green Beans, Herbs, Honeydew Melon, Peach, Plums and Summer Squash.

I introduced my daughter to all of the above-mentioned fruits and vegetables at eight months of age.

She enjoyed having cantaloupe puree and cucumber yogurt puree for her meal.

I started adding herbs like garlic, dill, and mint to her savory puree to give them flavor and aroma. This made it more appetizing for her.

10 Months +

Blackberries, Blueberries, Cherries, Leeks, Onions, and Strawberries.

I introduced berries at ten months. Since they are quite acidic, at times babies might end up getting a diaper rash. So to be on a safer side, I waited till she was ten months.

For cherries, I only gave her the pulp in purees. For that, I took out the pit and added flesh to her food. Cherries with pit are a choking hazard. So Never Give Cherries With Pit to your little ones at this early age.

1 Year +


I introduced raw tomatoes to my daughter after her one year birthday. When she as actually able to chew the little tomato pieces.

Every individual child is different, so what worked for me may not work for you.

It’s always better to talk to your pediatrician before introducing new foods, especially if your child suffers from allergies.

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With this information in hand, let’s go through some of the recipes.

  • 6 Months +

Apple With Dried Apricots

Apple With Dried Apricot- Easy Baby Meals-www.easybabymeals.com


  • 8 Months +

Cucumber With Yogurt And Dill

cucumber with yogurt and dill- Easy Baby Meals-www.easybabymeals.com


  • 10 Months +

Dairy-Free Fig Strawberry Icecream

Dairy Free Fig Strawberry Ice cream- Easy Baby Meals


  • 1 Year +

Sweet Corn Soup

Sweet Corn Soup- Easy Baby Meals


Cherry Ice Slush

Cherry Ice Slush- Easy Baby Meals- www.easybabymeals.com


This concludes our today’s post.

Share this information with your loved ones and with your fellow parents. They will like it.

What are you giving to your little ones this month? Let me know in comments.

Talk to you all soon.

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The views presented in this article are the personal experiences of the writer. Every baby is different. Please use Caution before introducing new foods into your baby’s diet. Always consult your Pediatrician.

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  1. Heidy says:

    Awesome list of foods for June. I’m always looking for the best seasonal ingredients for the little ones. This makes it so much easier.

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