Good Morning everyone. Happy Monday. Today we have a Guest Writer on EasyBabyMeals. Emma Lawson is a Mom and Teacher who loves writing. Today she has shared with us her experiences and Tricks To Easily Feed A Fussy Baby. I know how difficult it is to feed a little one who is so finicky about eating. I am sure these tricks will help you all with fussy eaters. Now let’s hear from her.
Everyone agrees that motherhood is incredibly challenging, and yet a rewarding period in a woman’s life. Your children become your world and you experience love you never thought you could feel in your life. However, there are also things people seldom mention when talking about motherhood: sleep deprivation and the difficulty of feeding a fussy baby. I am by no means a doctor nor am I an expert in this matter, I would simply like to share my experience with my children in hopes of helping some of you.
- Breastfeeding ‘Curse’
To be honest, I never knew how blessed I was until I had to change something in my life: I was breastfeeding my older son like clockwork, but I complained a lot about never being able to go anywhere without obsessively checking the time, and I couldn’t wait for the period to be over. Nevertheless, when it turned out that I can’t breastfeed my younger son for some medical reasons, I felt bad about it. This was the time I realized how happy I was when I was breastfeeding: food was always just the right temperature, and ready for him whenever he was hungry. What is more, there is no better way to bond with your child than when you’re holding him wrapped in his baby swaddle and feeding him. It creates a special bond between the two of you.
- Keeping the baby ‘in the dark’
There inevitably came the time when my boys were more interested in the world around them than in their meal, and it was driving me crazy that feeding process lasted so long. This is when I first started feeding them in the dark or dimly lit room. Dark calms them down and makes them sleepy, and until they grew up a bit, it was the best way to calm both of them down. When they got a bit older, I used to wear vividly colored clothes and necklaces which would occupy them long enough to finish their meals.
Source: Picture Provided By Emma Lawson.
- Solid food and formula
When the time came for me to start giving first my older, and then younger son solid food, I was worried because at first, I had no idea if they would be getting enough nutrients (I believed my milk was the healthiest food in the world), and whether I should stop breastfeeding altogether. So my doctor and I agreed that I should start giving them some solid food, but still pump my milk so I wouldn’t lose it, and sometimes use it instead of formula.
- Be persistent
I have learned to be very persistent and persuasive over the years, and it helped my boys grow strong. I insisted on feeding them healthy food made of organic vegetables, but it was a struggle. They have always loved carrots and potatoes, but it took some time for them to love broccoli, too. I bombarded them with a variety of different combinations of food and became an expert in mixing different vegetables to get something new. Another useful trick: don’t be afraid to spice things up a bit, my boys always loved a pinch of salt in their dish.
My two kids are different, and always have been, and I have learned that it takes a lot of patience to master the fine art of keeping your babies happy. I have experimented a lot, I have never been afraid to ask advice from other people, and my mother has been very helpful. These were the things that worked for my boys, and I hope my tricks will help other parents too.
Tricks To Easily Feed A Fussy Baby. #parenting #information Share on X
About Emma Lawson:
Emma is a teacher, constantly improving her skills both as a teacher and as a parent. She is passionate about writing and learning new things that can help you to lead a quality life. She is a regular contributor to High Style Life. You can follow her on Twitter @EmmahLawson
Thank you Emma, for contributing to EasyBabyMeals. I am sure these tricks would help mommies here for sure.
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