January Produce List + Recipes

Quick information on What’s in the season – January Produce List. Along with When To Give What to babies with recipes. 

January Produce List+Recipes- Easy Baby Meals

Hello everyone, And A Very Happy New Year. Stepping into this New Year, I am filled with hope and motivation to do more this year.

Last two months I was working on rebuilding the entire website, which finally I did before the end of 2017. Still, some nicks and nacks are left, but the major part is all done.

On this positive note, I would like to begin this year by sharing with you all the List Of January Produce. Besides that, I have also included when to introduce that particular fruit or vegetable to your baby, along with recipes. Now, this makes life simple, isn’t it? So let’s dig in.

Knowing what’s in the season is the easiest way to buy fresh and local as well as save money on the grocery list. Fruits and vegetables always taste better when they are in season and are harvested closer to the peak of freshness. The ones that spend a lot of time in shipping that might cover thousands of miles won’t have the freshest taste.

Here’s the list of Fruits And Vegetables that are fresh and are in season during the month of January. Many of them come under Winter Produce since they are in season from December to February, while some of them are available year round.


January Produce List. #seasonalproduce #january Share on X

Since we now know what’s in season, let’s incorporate this information into our daily meals.

Especially when talking about introducing seasonal produce to babies, we need to be more careful.

There is always a risk of developing allergies, gases or upset stomach. So it is always advisable to ask your pediatrician before introducing new food item in your baby’s diet.

Below is the handy chart of Introducing January Produce at each month. Now, this is based on what I gave my daughter after consulting her Pediatrician.

When To Give...Easy Baby Meals

  • 6 Months And Above:

Leeks, Pear, Parsnip, Herbs, Sweet Potatoes, Potatoes, And Winter Squash.

These are all easy to digest fruits and vegetables. Just a little dash of cumin or cinnamon turns them into a delicious baby meal.

  • 8 Months And Above:

Beet Root, Broccoli, Citrus Fruits, Green Onions, Kiwi, Persimmons, Spinach, Turnips, Celery.

Once the baby gets used to the above-mentioned foods, introducing these to the baby’s diet can be easy. Citrus Fruits are acidic in nature, hence if introduced early, a baby might develop a rash. So to be on a safer side, I introduced citrus fruits in my daughter’s diet after she turned 8 months old.

  • 10 Months And Above:

Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Lemons, Oranges, Pomegranate.

These vegetables and fruits are perfect, mixed with some lentils, meat, and herbs. By now your baby is used to different foods and textures. 

I didn’t give my daughter Brussel sprouts, cabbage and pomegranate till first year birthday.

  • 1 Year And Above:

Arugula, Bok Choy, Collard Green, Lettuce, Radish, Kale

I waited for my daughter to turn 1 year old to introduce her to above-mentioned vegetables.

Since, we have this all the information needed about when to introduce what food to your little bubs, let’s go through some of the recipes that you can try.

6 Months And Above:

Sweet Potatoes With Pears

Sweet Potatoes With Pears- A meal for babies 6 months and above.

8 Months And Above:

Cream Of Broccoli Soup

Cream Of Broccoli Soup- Easy Baby Meals

10 Months And Above:

Carrot With Peas And Potatoes

Carrot With Peas And Potatoes- A meal for babies 8 months and above

1 Year And Above + Kids And Grown Ups

Quick Carrot Salad

Quick Carrot Salad- Easy Baby Meals

Collard Green Stew

Collard Greens Stew- Easy Baby Meals

Aren’t these delicious? And the best part, all the produce used in the recipes is in season right now. Time to go shopping.
Talk to you all soon again.

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The views presented in this article are the personal experiences of the writer. Every baby is different. Please use Caution before introducing new foods into your baby’s diet. Always consult your Pediatrician.

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Important Note:

Talk to your baby’s Pediatrician before starting new food.

© EasyBabyMeals. All the content is copyright protected. Do not use without prior permission.


  1. Helene says:

    I always suggested to my sister in law to give more seasonal veggies to her twins when they were small but they are quite set on rice motly only here. I always liked to gobble up my sisters veg mash when I was a kid, it’s so good. 🙂

  2. Noel Lizotte says:

    Good information for adults as well as babies! It’s so hard sometimes to know what produce really is in season these days. So many fruits / veggies are shipped in from all over.

  3. swathi says:

    That is great info about the fruits and veggies in winter months. Great to know which produce to give to kids. Since I don’t have any babies only 5 and 8 year old I can choose their favorite from the list.

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